zondag 17 januari 2021

Happy Winter

Gisteren lag Vlaanderen onder een wit sneeuwtapijt, maar daar is nu bijna niets meer van te zien. Kaart voor de The Paper Players  uitdaging # 524  "Clean & Simple Snow"

2 opmerkingen:

Claire Broadwater zei

Christine, I adore this snowy scene! I know those little birdies are happy to have that birdhouse to get out of the cold! You certainly made my challenge shine this week! Thank you for joining us at The Paper Players!

Joanne James - The Crafty Owl zei

I love watching the birds at any time of year but right now I'm sure the ones on your card are glad of the shelter of the bird house Christine for sure. A lovely CAS card. Thanks for joining us over at The Paper Players this week!