zaterdag 26 maart 2022

Gelukkige verjaardag

Bij My Time To Craft geeft men voor uitdaging # 478 " Lots of Layers, a minimum of 3" aan. 

De kaart kan ook voor de Just us Girls uitdaging # 625 waar men een foto aan geeft ter inspiratie.

5 opmerkingen:

  1. Christine: Oh! I love your card! It just speaks springtime! The colors and images are so cheerful! Excellent! Thank you for linking to MTTC's technique challenge to use 3 or more layers! Best wishes! --Becca/DT

  2. Christine... so love this card! The feathers are a very special touch! Did you watercolor the main is just wonderful! Spring definitely calls with this card! Thanks for joining and sharing at Just Us Girls this week.

  3. I love the floral patterned paper and the birdhouse. It feels like spring!Thank you for joining us at Just Us Girls!

  4. The patterned paper goes so well with the image, Christine, and the feathers add a fun touch. Thanks for sharing your card with us at Just Us Girls.

  5. Mooi, mooi ! Lentefris en alles past mooi bij elkaar.
    Groetjes, laurette
