zaterdag 29 juli 2023

let's have some Koalaty time !

Kaart voor de Just Us Girls  uitdaging # 690 "CASE a design Team Member".

Just Us Girls zegt het volgende over een CASE kaart:

"CASE means Copy And Selectively Edit, or Copy And Slightly Edit, and even Copy And Share Everything. It is "proper etiquette" in cardmaking that the person CASE-ing a card gives credit to the person he/she CASEd for the original idea."

Het kaartje van Bobby bracht me op 'n idee. Wilt u het kaartje van Bobby zien,  klik dan  hier .

3 opmerkingen:

  1. This is so cute how you CASEd Bobby's card this week! Koala's are so cute and the expression on this one's face is adorable! Thanks for joining us this week at Just Us Girls!

  2. Christine... this is so cute! Bobby is going to love it! Thanks so much for joining and sharing at Just Us Girls this week.

  3. That little upside down koala is so cute, Chrisine. Thanks for CASEing my card and sharing it with us at Just Us Girls.
