vrijdag 17 mei 2024

You put a song in my heart

Kaart volgens de kleurencombinatie aangegeven voor uitdaging # 87 bij The Color Hues en kan ook voor de Stamps & Fun = CREATIVITY uitdaging # 454 " Neuester Stempel". De stempel kreeg ik gisteren van een lieve vriendin.

7 opmerkingen:

  1. We were in Tanzania in February and saw some of the most beautifully colored birds we'd ever seen. As soon as I saw this beauty, I thought of them. You certainly didn't waste any time putting your new stamp to work, and it's just lovely! Thanks for sharing with us at Color Hues!

  2. So glad you inked this sweet little bird using our challenge colors Christine...he's a real beauty and you've colored him beautifully too! Thanks so much for sharing this lovely, lovely card with us at The Color Hues Challenge!! Marcia (DT)

  3. Christine, Your bird is just GORGEOUS! I am so impressed with this awesome card! Thanks for playing along at Color Hues.

  4. I'm not sure what kind of bird this is but you certainly colored him beautifully!!! And that sentiment is so perfect. Thanks so much for playing with my color combo here at Color Hues!

  5. Hi Christine!
    Love your card. Great coloring and layout. Thank you very much for joining us at Stamps&Fun=CREATIVITY Challenge.
    Hugs, Natasha

  6. What a beautiful kingfisher. Thanks for joining us at S+F=C.

  7. Beautiful coral and teal bird; certainly eye-catching! Thank you for joining us at Colour Hues.
