zondag 26 mei 2024

Zon, Regen en restjes papier

Bij The Paper Players  geeft Claire voor uitdaging # 691 de schets aan.

4 opmerkingen:

SmilynStef zei

What a lovely take on the sketch

Claire Broadwater zei

Christine, this is just lovely! The background paper is so pretty and the little umbrella is so elegant with the gorgeous flowers. Thank you for joining my challenge at The Paper Players this week!

Cynthia Stevenson zei

The background paper is lovely and I love the added trellis effect. Thank you for sharing with The Paper Players.

Jaydee zei

Christine, I love the colors you chose and that wonderful die-cut for the central section adds a wonderful touch of softness. Great take on the challenge. So glad you joined us again this week at The Paper Players