donderdag 20 juni 2024

I am blessed with you at my side

"Benutze daz zuletzt eingekaufte Bastelmaterial" dat is de opdracht voor uitdaging # 560 bij Everybody-Art Challenge  

Ik heb mijn laatst aangekochte stempels gebruikt op een bellenblaas achtergrond.

1 opmerking:

Uschi zei

Great card. The background is so unusual and looks so beautiful in combination with your newly purchased stamps. Wonderful scene with the boy, the girl and the balloons and a great sentiment. To me, your card looks like the scene is in the rain. And the sentiment is a way of saying: Nothing can happen to me if you are with me. Really great.
Thank you for sharing this card with the latest challenge of the Everybody Art Challenge.
Hugs Uschi