zondag 19 mei 2024

Pandas prove that you can just eat bamboo and still be fat.....

"CaS, Lots of Laughs, humorous cards and / or 'punny' images and sentiments" dat is de opdracht voor uitdaging # 690 bij The Paper Players  .

3 opmerkingen:

Claire Broadwater zei

Christine, this is hilarious! I love your little chubby panda. He looks so happy! That is just the best sentiment, too! So happy you joined us at The Paper Players this week!

Joanne James - The Crafty Owl zei

Oh my, as if that panda image wasn't cute enough - that sentiment properly made me laugh out loud Christine - a fabulous CAS card! Thanks for playing along over at The Paper Players this week!

Cynthia Stevenson zei

LOL, so very cute and true. Thanks for adding a laugh to my day Christine and for playing along with The Paper Players.