maandag 3 juni 2024

B is for .... Books

"B is for ...(It's Your choice )" dat is de opdracht van uitdaging # 227 bij Make my Monday  .

Kaart volgens de kleurencombinatie aangegeven  voor uitdaging # 88 bij  Color Hues.

5 opmerkingen:

Karen zei

What a unique and beautiful card design! I don't know that I've ever seen that particular fold before. Your reader is delightful. I'm always a fan of book-related cards. Thanks for joining us at Color Hues!

Marcia Hill zei

What an awesome card Christine! I'm an avid reader, so your main image is a winner in my eyes, and so beautifully colored too! I love the fancy fold too with the pretty dsp, and all using our challenge colors...LOVE it!! Thanks so much for sharing this beauty with us at The Color Hues Challenge!! Marcia (DT) :0)

Pamela zei

thank you for sharing your wonderful creation at MMM

Cindy Beach zei

I love the serene colors and patterns on this pretty card, Christine! The reader image is beautiful and looks lovely perched on the special fold. We've loved having you join us at Color Hues!

Dawn Phillips zei

Ooh books! That's my perfect B word. Thanks for joining us at Make My Monday. Love Dawn x