zondag 14 juli 2024


Bij The Paper Players  geeft Jaydee voor uitdaging # 698 de kleuren "Black Grey Red White" aan.

In mijn restjesdoos vond ik precies wat nodig was voor deze kaart.

4 opmerkingen:

Jan Clothier zei

The colours of the challenge lend themselves to this gorgeous Japanese inspired design. I love that sinuous line that divides the card and the perfect placement of the woman. Thanks for joining in with us at The Paper Players this week.

Joanne James - The Crafty Owl zei

Christine these colours suit your geisha girl perfectly! The curved line really makes me think of the folds of silk in a kimono. Thanks for sharing with us over at The Paper Players this week!

Jaydee zei

Christine, fabulous card. I love the bold background with the curving separator - so very Japanese and it is perfect with your wonderful image. So glad you shared this with us at The Paper Players this week

Cynthia Stevenson zei

Oh Wow, this is stunning, the background really sets off that lovely geisha.
Thank you for sharing with The Paper Players.